Recykel in English version

Recykel is a cycling workshop created by the NGO Mulica. It proposes support, events and a place where to take care of bikes in Zilina. The main goal of Recykel is to promote biking, as a fun and sustainable activity. Enjoy Recykel services and join the volunteer team !

What do we propose?

Workshop and support to fix bikes | Renting and selling bikes | Informations

Workshop and support to fix bikes

Recykel provides all the tools and components to repair your bike. Enjoy the opportunity to take care of your bike by yourself, learn more about it from others and cooperation. Technicians are willing to welcome you, and to explain to you how do the workshop works.
Tools and workshop maintenance cost : we welcome thankfully free donations (money, time or skills). For bike components, a price list helps you to find the fair donation to give.

Two technicians are here during opening permanences. For free, they can give you some advices and do  a check-up of your bike with you. If you need a particular work or if you are too busy to do it yourself, they also propose a fixing service for a small amount of money.

Renting and selling bikes

  • Are you a tourist willing to discover the beauties of the town ?
  • Are you a Pop Star who needs to escape your fans ?
  • Are you an Erasmus student who cannot live without a bike ?

We have the solution !
We offer a rental service, for every needs and small price – one hour, one day, one week, half a year… until 5€/day or for a fix price with a small caution for long-term renting,  Contact us !

We also propose second hand bikes at low prices (from 30€ to 120€). The goal is to valorize old bikes and bikes components. We sometimes have really unique vintage bikes. So, participate to recycling and buy a Recykel vintage bike! Contact us or check bike field on FB


The workshop owns a library with specialized books, local maps and postal cards about soft mobility. Come to share and take some advices for you next trip. We are also available for your next bike project or event about sustainable transport : contact us !


Opening hours

Monday        – from 4pm to 8pm
Wenesday    – from 4pm to 8pm
Friday           – from 4pm to 8pm
or every day by calling/ sending message for services



Adress: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Závodská cesta 3/2844

Martin – +421 (0)908 938 339 /
Recykel Facebook

2 thoughts on “Recykel in English version

  1. Dobry den. chcela by som sa spytat kolko by nas stalo pozicanie 2 bicyklov pre dospelych a 1 bicykel pre 8-rocne dieta na jeden den?
    S pozdravom,

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